If you have a question ask the guys at decoding men. Hear truthful, honest answers to your man problems from men. Each one of the guys will look at your question and give his honest feedback. This isn’t just one guys opinion but a group of guys telling you what they think so you can have a better understanding of your situation.
When asking your question:
1) Be specific. Asking questions like “Why are men jerks?” is not enough information to go on, to provide a decent response. What exactly did this guy do to make you feel like he was a jerk? The more information and details you provide the more direct the responses will be towards your question. Remember all the guys at decoding men will answer your question so you will get more then one response.
2) Please note these questions and responses may be posted on the decoding men website. Your personal information will always remain private. At the end of the email, either give us your initials or an alias.
3) Due to the volume of questions that we receive, we are only able to answer questions of people who are confirmed subscribers to our newsletter. If you haven’t subscribed already, you can subscribe by entering your name and email address in the box on the right ====>
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